redis, docker,

Disable Redis persistence in Docker

Apr 12, 2022 · 1 min read · Post a comment

Disabling Redis persistence in Docker could be a good thing tho, if you are hosting a development environment, running low on disks space and possibly can’t afford to scale. By default, I believe Redis uses the RDB persistence which basically saves a snapshot in a binary file named dump.rdb. Now, let’s see how to start a Redis Docker container with no persistence.


  • Docker


Solution 1. As a part of a Docker Compose stack example:

image: redis:alpine3.15
command: rm -f /data/dump.rdb && redis-server --save "" --appendonly no

As a part of a Docker run command example:

docker run --name redis_container -d redis:alpine3.15 redis-server --save '' --appendonly no

Solution 2. Since Redis creates an anonymous volume, just before taking down the stack, add the --volumes flag. For instance:

docker-compose down --volumes

Or use the --renew-anon-volumes flag when recreating the Docker Compose stack.

docker-compose up --renew-anon-volumes

Note(s): This will affect the rest of the stack services volumes!!!

Solution 3. As a last resort, always make sure to name your persistence volumes, manually find the anonymous Redis Docker volume docker volume ls, and remove it by using the docker volume rm <volume_name> command.


If you can think of any other alternative solution, please do let me know in the comment section below. To find more cool Redis commands and hacks, simply browse the Redis category. On a side note, follow our official channel on Telegram.