
How to deal with 'AnsibleUndefinedVariable: ... is undefined' error

Feb 27, 2022 · 1 min read · Post a comment

Although Ansible has a low learning curve, obviously there’s always a big difference between learning on your own versus working on a medium to large scale size (enterprise) projects. Today’s post will be related to a common error in Ansible known as AnsibleUndefinedVariable.


  • Ansible


The error is pretty much self-explanatory, so you might need to check if this specific variable or multiple vars are loaded by any of vars, include_vars, or vars_file. It also depends on the approach on how you organize hosts and group variables. For best practices Organizing host and group variables.

A few common examples on how to include vars:
Example 1. Load variables using vars_file from file (works on playbook level only).

- hosts: host_group_1

    - some_vars_file.yml
    - role: role_1

Example 2. Load variables using include_vars on a task level.

- hosts: host_group_1

    - name: task 1
      include_vars: some_vars_file.yml

Example 3. You could also do a combination.

- hosts: host_group_2
    ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
    - some_vars_file.yml
    - role: role_2

Note(s): Obviously, there’s a difference between vars_file and include_vars which will be described more into details in one of the following posts.


And if you got any unresolved AnsibleUndefinedVariable errors, please share them with me in the comment section below. On a side note, follow our official channel on Telegram.