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How to install Nginx on Rocky Linux 8

If you need to implement a reverse proxy, load balancer or mail proxy, Nginx is the best-suited web server that can manage all of these actions. This tutorial will explain, how to ins...

In Nginx, Rocky Linux, Jul 20, 2021

Show database and table size in PostgreSQL

In this tutorial, we’ll see how we can show a database and table size in PostgreSQL. Planning a backup procedure, determining server instance size, could be few reasons to keep an eye...

In PostgreSQL, Jul 19, 2021

Restrict variable values in Terraform

If you have worked before with Terraform by provisioning a cloud infrastructure and/or writing Terraform modules, you must have stumbled upon some variable validation issues. This cou...

In Terraform, Jul 18, 2021

How to install Redis on Rocky Linux 8

If you are seeking a caching solution for your application then Redis will appear on the list. Here we will show you how to install Redis on Rocky Linux which is a replacement for Cen...

In Redis, Rocky Linux, Jul 17, 2021

How to install PowerShell on macOS

As a DevOps engineer, most likely we would prefer to work with our cool and comfy MacBook Pros. And if you are working with Azure, you will most probably need to install PowerShell at...

In PowerShell, macOS, Jul 16, 2021

Clean up Docker space for Jenkins jobs

Managing and deploying complex infrastructure with Jenkins sometimes can cause job failure issues. For example, if you are working with microservices and all the deployments are going...

In Docker, Jenkins, Jul 15, 2021

How to backup and restore a MySQL database

MySQL is one of the most popular open-source database engines. Manually backing up and restoring databases for whatever reasons could be found quite easy to execute, and we can see ho...

In MySQL, Jul 14, 2021

How to manually change the Elasticsearch's allocation of shards

While updating the mapping on some ES clusters or doing a full reindex which are expensive operations, you may face a data node failure. Due to the node failure, there is a possibilit...

In Elasticsearch, Jul 13, 2021

How to install Docker Compose on ARM64

In some of the previous posts I’ve covered how you can install Docker Compose on Linux distributions like Rocky Linux for example. It’s pretty easy to set it up, right?! Usually when ...

In Docker, Jul 12, 2021

How to install Ansible on Rocky Linux 8

If there is a need to simplify the deployments of your applications, manage your infrastructure servers, etc… you can achieve it with Ansible which is one of the most popular tool for...

In Ansible, Rocky Linux, Jul 11, 2021